IMIRAGE Magazine - September 2019 - Adhesif Clothing
Posted by Melissa Ferreira on

Adhesif Clothing's Fall-Winter 2019 Collection featured in IMIRAGE Magazine September 2019 Issue in an Editorial titled "Electric Lady Land" inspired by Jimi Hendrix
Photography Thomas Ruppel IG @thomas_ruppel
Model Bernadette IG @bernifreun
HMUA Aleksandra S. Katic IG @the.makeupartist
Fashion Design & Wardrobe Styling Melissa Ferreira IG @adhesifclothing
- Tags: eco fashion designer, editorial, fashion designer, fashion magazine, fashion model, fashion photography, fashion stylist, handmade fashion, media, one of a kind fashion, print media, publication, statement fashion, sustainable fashion, tear sheets, upcycled fashion, vintage style, vintage sweaters, zerowaste fashion
Behind the Scenes - Adhesif Clothing's FW 2017
Posted by Adhesif Clothing Admin on

Yup, that's right...I said the F word FALL I hate to break it to you folks but in the world of most fashion designer's right now that's where we've been hiding all Spring-Summer. It's the irony of having to be at least one season forward in our industry, always thinking ahead... I collected, laundered and hung to dry 90 pounds of reclaimed wool sweaters back in May. Since then I've been feverishly working away on deconstructing all of the sweaters to create our fabric yardage to put towards the creation of our Fall-Winter 2017 designs as well as other popular...
New Digs + Hip Happenings
Posted by Adhesif Clothing Admin on

WOW! SO much has happened in the last month it's hard to know where to start... Since moving on from our retail location at the end of March we've been busy busy setting up our awesome NEW studio by appointment location at Kingsway + Knight in Vancouver, BC. To make an appointment to shop our collections in person or to discuss creating your very own custom Adhesif Clothing garment drop us a line to set up a time We would love to hear from you! :) You know it's really funny how many people I've had ask me how...
Gifting Local is the Gift that Keeps on Giving
Posted by Adhesif Clothing Admin on

I've been self employed and running my own business for well over a decade now and I can tell you as rewarding as it is to be your own boss, it's a path less chosen for reason. Being a self employed designer (or self employed anything really) presents a a slough of daily challenges. I think the biggest of those challenges is consistently educating the mainstream on the differences between handmade, slow culture which at it's heart is about quality over quantity versus mass produced, cheaply made products found at big box chain stores. Fortunately I have had many opportunities...
Street Steez + Stylish Folks
Posted by Adhesif Clothing Admin on

One of my absolute favorite things to do is to people watch. I get a tonne of inspiration when I see someone doing their own thing with their style. I often stop people who come into my shop, at my events and on the street when I see them putting together a unique look or if they're wearing something that stands out, then I take their picture if they're into it... I've always said that style is the simplest form of self expression. What you wear says a lot about your personality without even having to say a word......